Episode #18: Work and Life Lessons from a Manger



For the final podcast episode of 2021, I'm making it short and sweet (mostly because we've...

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Episode #17: Cultivating Contentment in Your Work and Beyond


 Up until 2020, I’ve always been a stickler about celebrating Thanksgiving first and then...

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Episode #16: Serving Joyfully (Even When You Don't Feel Like It)


There’s an old song that goes “There is joy, joy, joy in serving Jesus, joy that throbs within...

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Episode #15: Check Your Mindset (Business Booster Series)

According to a 2017 Barna research report, only 17% of practicing Christians actually have a biblical worldview.


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Spring-Clean Your Business with this Simple Method (Business Booster Series)

Ah, there's nothing like a gentle breeze through your open window or sunshine on your shoulder, or even a...

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Episode #13: Fighting Racial Injustice God's Way

Like you, I’m sure, I’ve been heartbroken and troubled by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a...

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